Monday, July 18, 2005

What would you do if you know you'd die next month?

My friend have just told me a shocking news: someone I know had just died some minutes ago because of a heart attack. He is a good man but he is still young, maybe not even thirty years old. One question that immediately popped into my mind is why God gave such a good man very short time to live? Why do many bad people live longer than good ones? Then another terrible question came to me making me afraid of what answers I should give to it. That question is the title above.

What are the lessons I can learn from the bad news?

1. How valuable is time for you? Life is so short because time flies so fast while there are so many things to be done. We know more about the value of something when it's gone. So do we about how valuable time is.

2. It is good to regularly remind ourselves that we will die someday and must be responsible before God for anything I've done in my life. It's good because it will remind us about what the true meaning of our life is. I know that I'll be gone in the same way I was born, bringing nothing to world and bringing nothing from the world. I know that I must NOT spend my life for vain things like money or riches. I know that I must invest in ETERNAL things, which are human lives. Money, power, intelligence, anything that I have are to be used for people. Things are for people, NOT people for things. And people are for the glory of their Creator. So, how have my life today became a blessing for others?

3. What would you do if you know you'd die next month? This is a hard question, yet essential and demanding personal answer. Not many people like to be asked the question, maybe because death is not in their wish list. But personally what is my answer? Honestly I can't give my reply now but I'll think about it seriously. My life will never be the same if I keep on asking it to myself everyday.

4. Are you ready if you die in the next hour? Where will you go in the afterlife? Still many people are afraid if they are inquired these questions. But again, whether you like or not, make sure you have a good answer for yourself.

5. What do you want people say about you in your funeral? I have the answers for myself but I won't tell you now. Maybe it's a good idea of pretending to have an accident and die, and we can hear what people say about us after we inexist. What do you think?

"Life in this world is like a dot in the divine line."

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