What differences have I made last week than the last two weeks?
- I have done better I think in how I worked as a Christian employee. Yet I know I could have done much better.
- I have tried more to consult my eight faithful advisors every day and I got some good ideas for research. One of them willbe the topic or my private paper writing project for this month. I am still working on it.
- I have been successful in pushing myself to write at least a blog every day.
- Productivity means how many important things I have finished doing in how much time and what level of quality. I have not been a good performer in productivity, I think. I need to be more focused and have that important finish-it-best-ASAP mentality, though I am not too fond of doing the tasks.
- I enjoy my quiet time with God better than before. I think I need more time especially in morning prayer time.
- Again, I need to be more focused and concentrated on doing my top-priority responsibilites as well as I can.
- I learn about vocation this week. I learn that having a clear persobal profesionnal calling from God is very prominent in helping me how I live and work every day. I need to take more time to find it for myself tonight, before starting this week.
- I learn that there are some times that will put me in temptations more than other. First is still browsing while I'm dropping with fatigue. The best thing I have to do in low-battery condition is taking a good sleep. Second, being alone. There is Holy Spiritthat will remind me when I'm actually in these dangerous moments.
- When doing some research on my paper, I learn that how I (and all my colleagues) perform as a lecturer is a main factor that really determines the quality of the school and its graduates later. I realize how big is a responsibility on my shoulders in this profession.
- To be more effective with my eight hours at office, I'd better in read mode at 8 to 12 and in write mode at 13 to 17.
- To be more effective in using the Internet, I should wake up earlier to use Internet at 5 to 7 and start browsing at 17 to 19.45. It means having dinner at 20.
- Try to make it a habit to strive finishing all your jobs in office hours and in five working days so that you are free to live the other hours to develop yourself. This many times means doing things which are not relevant to your main responsibilies as lecturer.
- My ideal daily schedule:
- 5-7 Internet@home
- 8-12 read/practice@office
- 13-17 write/practice@office (never read on these hours!)
- 17-20 Internet@office/home
- 22-23 read/learn@home
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